Fine Art Originals, Prints, Murals & Custom Art by Val Steur - Tampa Bay

Welcome to Val Steur's world of enchantment and healing through art. Born and raised in the mesmerizing landscapes of Costa Rica, Val's artistic venture is a testament to her passion, resilience, and a life filled with exploration and cultural experiences. From being a successful entrepreneur to now embracing a blossoming art career, Val's art speaks to the heart and soul, igniting feelings of joy and wonder in every viewer.

A Creative Pathway:
Val's artistic journey began at a young age when she attended an art conservatory for elementary and high school. The exposure to various artistic techniques and styles laid the foundation for her future artistic pursuits. Her inquisitive spirit and love for languages led her on a remarkable adventure across the globe, where she lived and traveled for nearly a decade, immersing herself in diverse cultures and creative influences.

A Bright Future Ahead:
As Val Steur embarks on her artistic journey, she brings with her a wealth of experience, creativity, and a compassionate spirit. Her art is a celebration of life, an invitation to embrace joy, and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. With every stroke, she weaves a tapestry of emotions, forming an indelible connection with art enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.

Healing Through Art:

Beyond her artistic pursuits, Val is a devoted mother to two beautiful girls. Her role as a mother brought profound challenges and profound joy. During the healing process, Val found solace in art, and it became a powerful outlet for her emotions. Each brushstroke and composition became a channel for self-expression and healing, guiding her on a transformative path.

Inspiration that Sparkles:

At the core of Val's art lies a magical quality – it makes you feel sparkles. Her artworks exude a captivating blend of colors, textures, and forms, creating enchanting narratives that resonate deeply with the audience. Drawing inspiration from her own experiences and the beauty of life, Val's art radiates positivity and serves as a beacon of hope and happiness.

Experience the Magic:

We invite you to explore Val Steur's captivating art and become a part of her artistic journey. Through her creations, you will find the sparkle within yourself and experience the transformative power of art. Join Val as she takes you on a voyage of wonder, healing, and inspiration through her beautifully crafted pieces.

Connect with Val Steur on social media or explore her magical art collection. Embark on this artistic adventure with Val, and together, let's embrace the beauty of life and the wonder of art.